Phishing Campaigns

Protect your network and business against any human error.

CREST Accredited

our Certifications

You need to be 100% confident that your online presence is increasing your brand and business value. Don't let  hackers exploit that.

In this digital age online presence is the face of your business. Hacking techniques are evolving and the data value is going up, creating a lucrative business for hackers. This is making every business vulnerable. Penetration Testing provides the assurance that your IT infrastructure and Applications are safe.

Humans are known to be the weakest link in Security

Hackers find phishing emails as an easy way to breach your network security.

Don’t let their plan be a success.

Compromised User accounts

A single account breach can lead to all email accounts being compromised, resulting in a data breach and identity theft.

Ransomware Breakout

A Single click on a malicious link could easily lead to a large scale malware or ransomware deployment in your network.

Data Breach

A malware or ransomware will not only lock your computer, but can also steal data in the background. The majority of email scams lead to a data breach.

Prepare your organisation against phishing attack

A well trained end user is your biggest defense against any phishing scam.

Don’t let hackers greed win.

At 3Columns we can help mititage the risk from Phishing scams.



Train End-User


Spread Awareness


Achieve Compliance

Worried that your team mates and colleagues might not be prepared enough against phishing scams ?

Learn about cyber security

There ‘s  no one size fits all solution for cyber security services.While some companies install a firewall and think they are safe,we follow a proven 3 step system to ensuring a business has the highest level of security possible. 

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