PCI Consulting Does your business follow the compliant method of accepting credit card information.

our Certifications

You need to be 100% confident that your online presence is increasing your brand and business value. Don't let  hackers exploit that.

In this digital age online presence is the face of your business. Hacking techniques are evolving and the data value is going up, creating a lucrative business for hackers. This is making every business vulnerable. Penetration Testing provides the assurance that your IT infrastructure and Applications are safe.

Inability to accept certain credit cards can incapacitate your business opportunities

As the economy becomes more digitised, it is crucial to keep up with the varying payment options available and preferred by customers. If you do not follow PCI compliance to allow these payment methods, you limit customer trust and business. 

Loss of Business

If you are not PCI compliant you can not take credit card payment in any shape of form leading to major revenue and customer loss.

Data Breach

The purpose of PCI compliance is to ensure payment mediums are set up to collect customer data in a safe manner. Without these standards, there is a higher risk of data being breached.


Credit card providers will not let you accept payments without following all their policies and standards. Continuing to do so makes you non-compliant which can lead to penalties, infringements and revenue loss.

Allow more cash flow and customers

PCI-DSS outlines the standards businesses must comply with when building their infrastructure to accept credit card information. 3Columns is PCI QSA certified and have professional PCI consultants with years of experience in providing services to small and large organisations. We thoroughly understand payment streams and help businesses be PCI-DSS compliant.

New Revenue Streams

pci dss

Policy Compliance

Win Customer Trust

Do you feel that your business needs a Cyber Security plan and are not sure where to start or test your current ISO27001 maturity level ?

Learn about cyber security

There ‘s  no one size fits all solution for cyber security services. While some companies install a firewall and think they are safe, we follow a proven 3 step system to ensuring a business has the highest possible level of security. 

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